About Pizote Press

Here at Pizote Press, it is our mission to support our local communities by accepting manuscripts from new authors in the Pacific Northwest. We also accept manuscripts from currently published authors. Getting published is super hard! At Pizote Press, we will give you a chance! Plus, we will work with you to create a package that works best for you!

We are a new company and we currently have two books published: Missing Mothers and Zila’s Eyes. They are both available directly through Pizote Press.

Here are the details:

Missing Mothers, written by Charron Plumer and Deshna Ubeda

Surrounded by miles of dense jungle, no one can hear Nina’s cries for help.

When Nina doesn’t get off the plane from Costa Rica, her husband and daughter are frantic. Last seen on the beach with friends from her yoga retreat, Nina seemed to have simply disappeared into the dark surrounding jungle. With no evidence of foul play and not wanting negative media, Costa Rican officials are quick to dismiss her disappearance as just another tourist deciding to stay in the country unofficially. But her family knows differently. Tracing her daughter’s steps, Nina’s mother finds that there is corruption at play in the seemingly peaceful community. She is determined to find out what happened to her daughter. Meanwhile, against the wishes of his superiors Detective Tomás Vasquez searches deeper and deeper into the jungle and its inhabitants, coming face to face with an evil that has long haunted him from his own past.

Will Nina ever see her daughter again?

Deshna Ubeda and Charron Plumer are a mother-daughter writing team. They live and work in the Pacific Northwest and have spent extensive time in Costa Rica.

Zila’s Eyes, written by Charron Plumer

zila-book-coverAbout Zila’s Eyes:

A young shaman in an indigenous tribe in a remote region of the Talamancas Mountains of Costa Rica has discovered a rare plant that she has been using in her care of sick tribal members. It seems to have been linked to some miraculous cures. Or, is it the innate healing powers of the shaman that brings about the cures?

A pharmaceutical research doctor gets wind of this and sends in people to try to retrieve samples of the plant so that his company can try to reproduce it.

A local naturopathic doctor goes missing. And once again, Tomas Vasquez, aided by the gritty Sally Meza, is called in to search for the missing person.

At the root of this is the question: To what lengths do people go for financial gain and fame?

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