Zila’s Eyes


In this exciting new book, Zila’s Eyes, written by Charron Plumer and published by Pizote Press, you will find some familiar characters from Missing Mothers and journey back into the mysterious and exciting setting of Costa Rica.




About Zila’s Eyes:

A young shaman in an indigenous tribe in a remote region of the Talamancas Mountains of Costa Rica has discovered a rare plant that she has been using in her care of sick tribal members. It seems to have been linked to some miraculous cures. Or, is it the innate healing powers of the shaman that brings about the cures?

A pharmaceutical research doctor gets wind of this and sends in people to try to retrieve samples of the plant so that his company can try to reproduce it.

A local naturopathic doctor goes missing. And once again, Tomas Vasquez, aided by the gritty Sally Meza, is called in to search for the missing person.

At the root of this is the question: To what lengths do people go for financial gain and fame?

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Book Reviews

Reviews of Missing Mothers
“I’m just amazed at the Missing Mothers. I finished it last night and hated to put it down. I could comment on endless things that I liked, but will mention just a few that I enjoyed the most. An intriguing, believable plot. Fascinating characters who were interestingly developed with flashbacks strategically inserted to give their actions plausible foundation. But, the thing I found most impressive is something you resisted doing: turning Nina into another one of those super women seen so often today in Tomb Raider-type movies—heroine whose unbelievable skills enable them to do unbelievable things resulting in unbelievably silly movies. The women in your novel came across as having much more than superhuman physicals skills. You and Deshna developed women with a strength of character and a depth of love which I find infinitely more interesting. Bravo!!! When can we expect your next novel?”~Matt

“I LOVED IT! What a smart use of a prolouge–short, gripping and caught me like a fish.  I found the last quarter of the book difficult to put down in order to do normal life.  I’m a bit of a slower reader so made for some extra suspense waiting till I could read again.” ~Tina

“OMG! Just finished Missing Mothers and loved it. You would think it was written by seasoned N Y Times bestsellers.  No matter how interesting the story or captivating the characters, nothing can cover up a poor writing style. You two have nailed all three. It truly is worthy of comparison to great writers of the genre. You must enter it for recognition by those national awards for new writers. Can’t wait for the next one!”

“I just finished reading the novel Missing Mothers and I can say unequivocally that it was as good as any thriller/mystery I have read in the past ten years – for real! It’s psychologically deep, it’s locale descriptions are really engaging (and educational), it’s pace if a page-turner, and it’s just plain really good. I recommend it highly and hope Charron and Deshna conspire to write another, and that they find an agent in the meantime to help them market this and the next one to a big time publisher. So, download it on your Kindle or Ipad or Iphone Kindle app so you can have as much fun as I did…it’s a can’t lose best seller!” ~John C. Robinson, Ph.D., D.Min, published author

“I have just finished reading yours & Deshna’s very wonderful Missing Mothers, I loved it right from the start, it gripped me straight away & each time I had to put it down I couldn’t wait to start reading it again. I could actually envisage in my mind everything you described including the characters, it was as though I was watching a film (always the sign of a brilliant book) I thought that your book had everything, you should write more books together, what a talent you both have. Please do tell Deshna how much I enjoyed Missing Mothers, & if you do write any more books please let me know the ISBN numbers as I would most definitely buy them.” ~Hilary Thomas